Lisa Rothe is a theater director and acting coach, specializing in new plays, and updating the classics for our modern times.
Since you don't have the benefit of rehearsal in film (or television), everything has to be prepared and worked on ahead of time, and you have to be ready to roll with whatever happens on the day. Lisa helped me delve into the specifics of the character and also guided me towards a practical set of circumstances to put in my belly on set so that the scenes could soar over and over again. She inspired me to be brave enough to dig deeper, and all the while she made me feel safe. Her gentle, grounded intelligence and her obvious passion for the creative process made my collaboration with her invaluable.
– Carrie Preston (Elsbeth, The Good Wife, The Good Fight, Claws, True Blood, and Person of Interest)
Lisa's sensitivity, warmth and thoroughness have enabled me to take old work and breathe new life into it. When I first moved to New York it was very unnerving to try and present myself in the industry with a foreign accent. Lisa made me feel comfortable in my own skin and in my own voice. She was so genuine in her work with me that I gained the confidence to push my limits, not just within my accent but beyond. I relish in her emphasis of finding the truth within the character, the truth within yourself, and getting them to talk to each other. She is not just a coach; she is a mentor with great insight and foresight.
– Lupita Nyong'o, Yale MFA alum (grad school audition coaching)
Getting to work with Lisa was such a gift and a blessing. From our first session together I was already thinking about my acting and the whole audition process in a brand new way. She taught me to focus on allowing my characters to show up in whatever way they need. A lot of that was listening to my body and listening to my characters so they could show up organically as opposed to manufacturing a performance. Every session I had with Lisa I felt like I was able to release something that was holding me back or “blocking” me from a simple task. I think I had a lot of ideas about what was right or wrong that Lisa helped me release. By the time I got to auditions the rooms felt like a play space with endless possibilities. I ended up making it to callback weekend to 3 out of my 4 schools. Every step of the grad school audition process I remained open to my senses and the great knowledge of my body. The biggest thing I think I gained from Lisa that even helped in my decision making process is to listen to and trust myself. Because of that I will be attending the program that is just right for me. desert.
– Asha Houston, NYU Graduate Acting Program, class of 2026
If you're seeking an extraordinary teacher/coach to lead you on a remarkable path of growth and self-discovery, look no further than Lisa Rothe. Her approach is unlike anything I've ever experienced, blending spirituality, vast technical knowledge, and an unwavering love for her students. Lisa's ability to truly see and appreciate my unique essence set her apart from any other teacher/coach I've encountered. Under her guidance, I found a safe haven to shed my insecurities, embrace my humanity, and fearlessly explore the uncharted territories of creativity. Together we unearthed the jewels within me, polishing them with care and tenderness, until they gleamed with brilliance. She gifted me a greater sense of curiosity, a deeper appreciation for my own journey, and the confidence to embrace the unknown with open arms. I am forever indebted to her."
– Kenneth Ray, University of California, San Diego, class of 2026
Working with Lisa has changed how I view my work as an actor in the best possible way. Leaning into the not knowing, asking the big and small questions, and going on a ride of spontaneity have given me so much more freedom and joy when I work.
– Nathan Ramsey (scene study, monologue and audition coaching)
Lisa Rothe can work with anyone. Her passion, love and brilliance is there in every moment, whether she is teaching, coaching or directing. adjective: infatigable! noun: superlative.
– Vicki Shaghoian (scene study class)
Lisa was a huge help in preparing me for my first lead role in a film. By an odd turn of events I found myself cast in a lead role in a film in Afghanistan by a very famous Afghan director. The missing part for me is that I had not acted in many years. Lisa's name came to me through a friend and Lisa was kind enough to take me into her class and work with me to loosen up whatever part of me thought I could still do this. She is incredibly open and perceptive and has just the right balance of support and force to make me feel comfortable while at the same time challenging myself. It all worked out really well as far as the film and her class gave me the confidence to trust myself while I was on the set and had no acting teacher except the merciless Afghan desert.
– Peter Bussian, photographer and filmmaker (feature film debut in Opium War, a film by Golden-Globe winning director Siddiq Barmak)
Lisa Rothe is an incredible acting teacher. She has a very keen eye and can see past the surface of things very quickly. She will make you a better actor no matter what your experience level. She is very passionate about the work and knows how to help you get to it organically and honestly. It’s incredible to watch and even more gratifying to experience. You come out of her class knowing what you are good at, and where you need to improve. Besides being acutely perceptive and intuitive, she is also enthusiastic, supportive and constructive. She loves the work and her enthusiasm for it is infectious. Definitely one of the most helpful and passionate teachers I have ever had.
– Laura Sheehy (scene study class and audition coaching)
One of the greatest gifts Lisa Rothe has given me is the gift of letting go. She gave me the permission to leave myself alone and to just be. When I came to her, I was busy trying to be someone else. The someone who I thought everyone wanted me to be. Lisa taught me to be both confident in what I know and when faced with something I didn't know, to run fearlessly towards it. She allowed me to just breathe--both as an actor in this business and as a person living in this world. As August Wilson said: 'Before one can become an artist one must first be. It is being in all facets, its many definitions, that endows the artist with an immutable sense of himself that is necessary for the accomplishment of his task. Simply put, art is beholden to the kiln in which the artist was fired.' I am filled with immense gratitude towards Lisa and will always feel in her debt.
– Devin Kawaoka, NYU Graduate Acting MFA alum (grad school audition)
When Lisa Rothe teaches an acting class she channels the pedagogical genius of her teachers and mentors: Ron Van Lieu, Zelda Fichandler, Paul Walker. She is incisive and empowering at the same time. She projects internal calm as a teacher and inspires passionate energy from her students. Take her class. Change your life.
– Timothy Thomas, NYU Grad Acting MFA alum (scene study class)
Lisa is an amazing teacher and coach. From the moment she walks in the room, she creates an atmosphere that is supportive, professional, and fun. I feel like her classes are full of possibility. Her compassion for actors, her intelligence, and her leadership skills all create a space safe for risk, powerful dialogues, and personal growth. I've come to see her class as more than just a place to practice; it's an artistic home and a creative community where I can get back in touch with the reasons I got into this work in the first place. I cannot recommend her enough.
– Jackson Moran, Yale MFA alum (scene study class)
Lisa believes infectiously in her students and her heart is gently and powerfully available. I find myself centered when I work with her, truly able to expand creatively and to find truth and beauty in ways I hadn't discovered before meeting her. The effects of her coaching live in me outside of the sessions as well, inspiring me to dig deeper on my own and expand on ideas discovered through work and conversation. The encouragement by Lisa to open and balance a little bit more each time has lead to discoveries that are genuine and full. She is a trustworthy guide who loves the work and gives permission to fall in love with it too.
– Rina Dutta, NYU Grad Acting MFA 2021 (grad school audition coaching)
Lisa was a phenomenal teacher. Her empowering and insightful coaching pushed me to ground myself, to connect with my breath, to explore fearlessly, and to carve more specific actions. Our sessions together opened an authenticity that I had not yet found in my work.
– Ali Stoner - A.R.T. MFA (grad school audition coaching)
Lisa is absolutely wonderful! She provides a safe, open environment for you to explore and play with zero judgment. Lisa's guidance during my graduate school audition process made the whole experience less daunting and less overwhelming. Through her warmth and generosity, I was taught to approach my work with fervor, joy, and heart. She works tirelessly to ensure that your audition pieces are right for you and that you are shining through each one. I walked into the audition room proud to share the work I had done with Lisa, confident that I was presenting the best version of me. There is no question that my acceptance into Brown University's MFA acting program would not have been possible without Lisa's brilliant insightful coaching.
– Peter Martin, Brown MFA (grad school audition coaching)
Scene Study Testimonials
Lisa somehow transcends the limits of the screen to foster a real sense of community and energy in her Zoom class. I felt incredibly supported as I navigated this new medium. Lisa meets you where you are as an actor and offers gentle guidance to create a playful and safe environment for exploration. My sense of imagination in my process was expanded by acting with Lisa over Zoom, which is something that I will take with me into my work when we can return to the stage! – Kate M.
Working with Lisa has given me the opportunity to call my process my own. I have never felt more true to my voice and body while doing scene work. I am able to reclaim my curiosity of my body and free my natural instincts. I have come to realize over the course of scene study that my process is different from others, and that’s what makes me interesting and different from anyone else. – Ellen N.
I was apprehensive about Zoom acting before taking Lisa's class. After the first day, I knew I was in good hands. She helped bring awareness to my breath and body in ways that had eluded me before I studied with her. Lisa has the keen ability to give notes that open up and stimulate the creative muscle that every actor needs to exercise if they desire to thrive. I felt alive in her class, I felt a sense of community in her class, and I felt grounded in her class. I've learned to love living in the zip code of I Don't Know because of Lisa and her appetite for real, honest, spontaneous, human behavior. – Nate R.
Lisa's class is an extraordinary resource for actors at any level of their career. She has a rare combination of talents and experience that are hard to find in a teacher: dramaturgical acumen, a true love for actors and joy in guiding their creative growth, and decades of professional experience directing at the top theatres in the US. Lisa creates a learning environment that is safe, supportive, and respectful of fellow artists and the work. Because of this, in her class I felt free to take risks, and discovered the freedom to bring myself to the material. – Fleece
Lisa's words during this time were soothing and necessary. I can remember being reminded to be grateful to slow down, be in the present moment, to take my time, now that we had so much of it. Lisa taught us to care for the characters we are working on, but each class was, for me, a lesson in caring for my classmates and myself. We were asked to be as caring to the people we were lucky enough to study with in that moment as we were to our roles. During a global crisis, this assignment was especially honored in our class. We loved it. We set intentions for the week that sometimes had nothing to do with the work. They had to do with staying sane, remaining healthy, being supportive, and caring for the humans we were experiencing this scary thing with. We built intimacy online at a time when we couldn't create it in person. It gave me hope for a theater and its leaders that prioritize the actor's wellbeing, at the forefront. - George P.
Lisa's approach is highly intuitive and insightful. She is gentle and encouraging but honest. Her class is both playful and focused. With very keen senses, she has been immediately able to see roadblocks and gaps in my work that had taken years for me to learn about myself. I have studied with her both in person and on Zoom, and I experienced personal growth in both venues, coming into greater awareness of my acting challenges. Who knew there was so much to learn about acting on Zoom? I highly recommend Lisa's class. – Ben R.
I didn’t know what to expect in taking an acting class online, but with Lisa, working online never felt like a limitation placed on what we could accomplish, but rather a challenge that we were all working to meet and overcome as a class. Her caring spirit and thoughtfulness made me feel safe and supported in the process of navigating that challenge, and her grounding and encouraging presence helped me focus on what I could do to create strong and nuanced work just as one would in a typical classroom setting. – Davis B.
As a developing artist, this class and Lisa's compassionate teaching specifically, is helping define what my version of an artist looks like and what that means for me. Crumbling the box of perceived capability, to a space of who even knows what's possible in stage art for me...and that's pretty cool. – Allison J.
Scene Study Class with Lisa on Zoom is unlike any digital performance space you've ever experienced. She breaks down the confines of the screen and creates a space that allows you to truly connect with your fellow actors and hone your craft, all while working through complex texts. After this class, my screen no longer feels like a barrier and my acting chops are refreshed and ready to tackle new projects! – Dylan B.
Lisa’s class reminded me that presence isn’t about being in the same room as someone else, it’s a state of being that we all have access to whenever we want it. She led me to that state with careful observation and gentle coaching. It totally changed my perception of what Zoom acting can be.
– Danny Y.
Lisa is available for one-on-one coaching. Please contact her below for rates and availability.